Web Page : Well, I am trying to get my Ozzy Osbourne Page on a server but haven't found one yet.
Description : This map file is my attempt at an exact replica of the Oak Mountain Ampitheater in Birmingham, Alabama. The first thing I want to point out is that this is supposed to be set during the Ozzy Osbourne concert on May 10, 1996, which happened to be the best damn concert I have ever gone to. Notice the original drum set and the Ozzy Cross and name on the stage curtain. Notice the lighting and how it makes a cross. And see the mixing stand in the middle of the seats, too. Try out the lighting towers - they're high as hell but a great sniper spot. One problem with the jetpack use on this level is that the sky is not totally level in all places. Meaning that when you reach the top in one place another might bump you back down. But it really isn't problem. Duke actually wasn't designed to have entire levels outside (if you ever try building one outside you will see why). This level has every weapon and alot of 'em. I did, however, limit the amount of shrinkers and freezers because they can make for unfair or boring dukematch play. This level was made on a Pentium 100 with 16 meg ram and runs fairly well. The bushes are also a good place to hideout. There is a secret way to get over the fence behind the lawn seats but you figure it out. This is my baby. You will probably never see another level like it made by me. That is about it, now get to playing! And remember, Ozzy Rules!
Credits to : This was my second level and since the BuildHelp really sucks, I ended up downloading a BuildFAQ made by BRETT GMOSER. That is it.